Back on September 5th, I wrote a post about how to deal with stock market skeptics. In that post, I had opened a position by selling cash secured puts on SPY at $320 (fair value) strike price. I sold the put for $148 and was going to let it ride till December 20 at which…
Category: Investments
My Two Muni Bond Funds
I wrote about the exhausting time consuming research I had been doing on municipal bonds here, here and here. I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to take a break from research and just start buying funds to get some time back so here are the two that I ended up landing on. NEA…
Sold My SPY PUTS for Profit Today
Well just as I’m getting ready to go on vacation, we have huge market volatility so I had to move. Back in April, I wrote about buying PUTS on the SPY for September 2024 expiry as an insurance policy for my portfolio. Today that insurance policy paid off 66.87%! I am not making earth shattering…
Air Conditioner Cost About To Skyrocket
I recently wrote about my Mother’s Day fiasco with our air conditioner unit so it got me thinking about what it would cost to replace the unit. Our current AC unit is approaching 10 years and that’s about the time it starts failing or need constant repair of some sort. In looking for the latest…
How I Pick Stocks To Invest (Tax Deferred)
I think the stock market, in general, is very over-valued but that doesn’t mean there isn’t value in the market. I have a methodology I use to find the best stocks for me to invest in but before we get to that let’s cover a few topics. Free Cash Flow The best valuation method for…
I Bought Starbucks Stock
It is ironic that I wrote a post about Starbucks not too long ago and I picked up shares of the stock given the huge negative reaction to the recent earnings miss. Keep in mind that I only bought 30 shares to open a position and I will accumulate if it goes down further and…
I Bought $15k of CPSM Today
This is NOT financial advice so don’t do something because someone on the internet did it. Do you own due diligence on investments that meet YOUR needs not someone else’s need. Having said that, I bought $15,000 of CPSM this morning. I wrote about CPSM here if you want to learn more about it from…