I’ve been reading stuff on the internet since the day it was invented. In the mid 2000’s I started this blog and ran it for a few years but then life happened. My kids were born between ’99 and ’02 so when I started the blog it was very manageable to watch over my kids and write this blog. Around 2008 we had the great financial crisis, I ended up leaving/losing my job at the time and the kids started getting older.
After the financial crisis, I went back to school to get my MBA so I had school, a full time job, kids involved in school activities, sports, and all the related drama that comes with kids becoming tweens and then teenagers. I was also traveling for work all over the world from Africa to Asia to Europe to South America and everywhere in North America. These are the major reasons why I stopped blogging. The site maintenance was too much and the pressure to drop content every day was getting to me all things considered. I did keep the site up, it just wasn’t being updated.
Lazy Man and Money
Throughout most of that time however, I kept reading various personal finance blogs always trying to get an edge in the world of personal finance. One of my favorite and longest lasting ones is Lazy Man and Money. We stared our blogs around the same time and we used to quip back and forth on our original blogs. He recently wrote a post about my blog and it brought a tear to my eye.
Why the tears?
As you get older, you begin to understand that your time on earth is very finite. There are various times when you look back at your life like when you hit 30, then 40, then 50 and ask yourself, What if?
What if I hadn’t stopped blogging? What if I had made different choices? What is all the personal finance bloggers back in 2000 had stuck it out and built an amazing community to help others?
In any event, it brought a tear to my eye to see that at least one person is reading my blog and it has made a tiny difference in how they approach their personal finance life and that’s all I wanted to ever do, make a small tiny but noticeable difference in someone’s life.
If you want to read a great personal finance blog, you can’t do any better than Lazy Man and Money.
Continuing on with my theme, a key reason I brought back this blog was to leave a legacy to my kids. I hope they can refer to this blog when they need help and perhaps someday add their own voice to it. My kids will inherit a lot of money when my wife and I pass away and our greatest concern is that they will lose the money to scammers, stupid decisions or just plain lack of personal finance knowledge. I know that if I can make Lazy Man appreciate my blog then perhaps my kids will too some day.
I’ve never had ads on this website and I don’t ever plan on having ads, I consider this part of my give back to the community but I will occasionally ask that you donate money to Kiva.org or your favorite charity as part of YOUR give back to the community. I also don’t have a contact form because I’m not interested in solicitations, paid reviews, guest posts, free stuff or any kind of conflict of interest to cloud this blog. Remember I’m a millionaire so paying me a few dollars or sending me trinkets to do something is a waste of time for me.
I found your blog this morning through Lazy Man and Money! I’m excited to have a new blog to check out. So far I love it!