I’ve had periodic lower back pain for 3 decades now. I’ve gone to doctors, therapists, chiropractors, and masseuses to help find the cause or alleviate the pain but the pain has rarely gone away until now.
So what was the magic trick?
Tiny Health
I wrote about starting a journey into a parallel medical ecosystem for myself after becoming disillusioned with the lack of any real advancement in the current health care industry. Personally, I think doctors have become super lazy and are more interested in pushing solutions that earn them money than solve health problems.
I came across an article about a woman who was struggling with her newborn and couldn’t get any answers from the medical community despite visiting numerous “experts” in the medical field. Desperate, the mom had here baby’s poop analyzed at Tiny Health, got a report with some recommendations and presto, the baby got better within days.
After reading that article I decided to try it myself so I ordered a kit, sent in my sample and waited a few weeks for the results. I received a very comprehensive 19 page report that showed every germ in my gut and what that germ was potentially doing to my body. I also received some recommendations on supplements to take to improve my gut health.
Bacteroides Caccae & Streptococcus
I’m not going to cover the dozens and dozens of germs but one that stood out was called Bacteroides caccae that is listed as potentially causing:
- Contributes to inflammation and development of
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Obesity
I actually don’t have any of those conditions (other than obesity) or others listed here but perhaps I will soon at some point.
Streptococcus seems to create it’s own issues including a strange rash I would randomly get every few months for a few days at a time then disappear. I have since read up that Streptococcus has something to do with Erysipelas which I believe is what I periodically get from time to time on my right hand for a few days then goes away.
Supplement Regimen
The following are a list of supplements recommended for me. Please note that these were recommended to me based on my results. I would not suggest anyone take any of these supplements as they may not do anything for you. Each gut bio-dome is different and you will need a custom tailored program for your issue(s).
- Enchinacea extract
- Pelargonium
- Berberine
- Butyrate
- Bacillus probiotic
- Bifidobacterium probiotic
Other recommendations were changes to diet to include diverse green leafy foods. I’m also taking other vitamins and supplements for my health including fish oil but those weren’t on their recommendation.
Results After A Few Days
I was skeptical these supplements were going to do anything but after a few days on them, my inflammation and back pain mostly went away and I haven’t had any pain since. I’m going to keep taking the supplements and see how they continue to work but another side effect is I lost 3 pounds of weight over those same days. It’s like my body was flushing out a whole bunch of garbage during that period and I’ve felt better than ever before. I nearly had tears in my eyes about being pain free for the first time in a long time. I have had little back pain the last two weeks since I’ve started the recommended plan.
In a nutshell, analyzing my poop at Tiny Health has helped me start on a journey of pain free well being where 30 years of lazy and inept doctors and healthcare have failed.
Note that back problems and inflammation can be caused by many different things. For back pain, it may be a slipped disk, pinched nerve or some other damage to muscles, I knew I didn’t have any of those things because my pain would come and go often with bouts of inflammation ‘storms.’ I knew that my pain had to be caused by a virus, bacteria or fungus because whenever I took a vaccine shot for flu or covid or anything else, all my pain would disappear. It seemed as soon as my immune system was triggered, I was fine but then when things settled down, the pain would slowly creep back in.
Share The Wealth
What do you think? Have you discovered a new medical test that helped identify an issue you’re having? If so let me know in the comments below and share the wealth.
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