There is a war brewing between Dave Ramsey (boomer) and millenials according to this article in the Wall Street Journal (sorry pay walled). Essentially, many people under 40 think Ramsey’s advise is too overly simplistic or not applicable to their situation. The thing to remember however is that personal finance is an upward educational journey…
Category: Educational
Municipal Bonds: Do You Know Good From Bad?
The greatest thing about investing in the United States are the endless choices. The worst thing about investing in the United States are the endless choices. From tens of thousands of stocks to even more bonds and seemingly endless real estate there are just too many choices and too many decisions to make so how…
My 10 Year Anniversary With
One of the ways I like to give back to the community and help others is through If you don’t know what Kiva is, here is a blurb from their About page: More than 1.7 billion people around the world are unbanked and can’t access the financial services they need. Kiva is an international…
Book Review: The New Retirement Savings Time Bomb by Ed Slott
Get this book! It’s that simple. If there is one book you need in your financial books library it’s this one and I’ll explain why below but this book feels like an A to Z manual for understanding all types of retirement accounts, the IRS tax codes and definitions, estate taxation and planning and so…
Book Review: Look Before You LIRP by David McKnight
This is the second David McKnight book I’ve read which is somewhat of a companion book to the first, The Power of Zero which I reviewed here. I call it a companion book because where the first book explains what a LIRP is this second book explains what things to look for in a LIRP…
Book Review: The Power of Zero by David McKnight
I’m going to come right out and say it, if you’re not a high income earner you probably should just skip this book UNTIL you have a high income or you’ve build a very large nest egg and need some tax strategies to eliminate or reduce taxes in retirement. What I Liked The book is…
How To Deal With Return To Office Mandates!
It seems companies, after begging employees to come back to the office, are now threatening employees to come back to the office. A recent example is this article from Entrepreneur stating Bank of America threatens employees with disciplinary action. Ironically, a few days later, CNBC reports that return to office mandates are a boon to…
When Friends Ask You To Sell
Over the course of a 30 year career I have encountered many people. I consider most of those people acquaintances but a few became friends because we typically shared the same perspectives and had similar goals. Lately, many of my friends have been either retiring or quitting the corporate world and starting their own companies….
Are Annuities Good or Bad? It Depends!
A friend of mine recently asked me if I thought annuities were a good investment idea. For context, her key concern was market volatility which is why she was looking at annuities. I’m not a big fan of annuities but I decided to ask an artificial intelligence to tell me what the pros and cons…
Financial Life Lessons From AI & Why Google Sucks Now!
I continue to be blown away by AI’s ability to answer almost any question I ask it so I decided to start asking some personal finance questions and one of the ones I asked was what are the best financial advice tips for people and below is the response (everything in italics). Live Within Your…