Forget bank Certificate of Deposits and forget about leaving your money in a checking or savings account. Everyone I know and their dog is buying US Bonds right now and with juicy yields of 5.38 percent for 1 month T-Bill to 5.36 percent for 1 year T-Bill but the going rate for 2 year Notes…
Mortgage Rates At 21 Year Highs, Wait Till They Go Higher Before You Buy!
I am in the market for a new home but the home is not for me, it’s for one of my kids. My kid has been renting for the past two years and it pains me to see him throw money away each month. What I mean by “throw away” is that he isn’t building…
How To Get Rid of Student Loans
There is a secret toolbox that exists in the sagacious financial mind and one of those tools is a little something I like to call debt laundering. What is debt laundering? Debt laundering is the process of taking bad debt (like student loans) and exchanging it for good debt (like credit card debt). I know…
The Great Debate: Spend Less or Earn More?
Back in the heyday of personal finance blogs there was a great debate that stormed through the pf blogosphere and that was the debate over whether one should spend less than they earn or earn more than they spend. Spend Less Than You Earn The philosophy of spend less than you earn was to essentially…
Will Zelle Kill Credit Cards?
I love credit cards and I don’t ever carry a balance. I have 0% balance transfer credit cards in which I take the credit card banks money at zero percent and invest it in high yielding CDs or bonds making 5% or more. I have airline credit cards that rack up miles so I can…
Personal Finance and Cash Management 101
Cash Management is the process of collecting and managing cash flows. Most people’s primary cash flow comes from their paycheck and for many the process is largely automated. Typically your employer pays you weekly, bi-weekly or perhaps monthly. Your employer produces a ledger that notes hours worked, deductions for taxes, insurance or other items and…
Personal Finance and Risk Management 101
When it comes to money, Warren Buffet is probably one of the most quoted individuals and the one quote I see over and over again with regards to money is this one: “The first rule of an investment is don’t lose [money]. And the second rule of an investment is don’t forget the first rule….
The Odyssey To Multi-Million Dollar Portfolio
I started my financial odyssey at $4.25/hour with my first job in the 90’s and now I’m managing millions of dollars in cash. Most people dream of getting to a million+ dollar portfolio so that they can retire and live a carefree life but I’m sorry to tell you that things don’t actually work out…
Understanding Your Self Worth
When it comes to personal finance the most important topic to understand is your own self worth down to the hour. Most people have a job and get paid a particular hourly wage and this is generally the starting point for most people to understand their self worth. In the United States, and as a…
Happy Birthday!
Welcome to the re-birth of Get Rich Slick! Today is this site’s birthday! I started blogging around 2005 and I wanted to get back into sharing lessons learned over the past 15 years but it occurred to me that clinging to the old site and old ideas wasn’t really the way to go…this site was…